This was meant to re-establish proper rule and national governance. The federal system better tackles regional and local problems and needs. Federalism in India. The state and the nation always evade responsibility especially when it comes to dealing with environmental issues such as cleaning up of Great lakes. Cookies are small files that are stored on your browser. On the contrary it has also been suggested that is created more diversity and conflict for the nation to grapple with. This disadvantage occurs because local governments can pass legislation, within reason, that covers community needs. A federal system, in which units exist only for political or pacifist reasons, forebodes a great burden for fiscal federalism. IvyPanda. This is why federalism is such a great advantage. In 1788, Fisher Ames of Massachusetts made a declaration to increase the powers of the national government. In 1963 Midwestern region was created and Nigeria became a nation of four regions. People feel close to their communities. Federalism provides a way for different groups of people in different parts of the country to live together. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. It therefore appears that the basic goal of federalism in Nigeria is to promote the unity of the country while creating space for political autonomy of the different sections of Nigeria 20. That means some people in the U.S. must follow four different sets of laws. This means autonomous states or regions come together to form a larger [] 1. limits the power of federal officials to determine local polices. It is possible to test different policies in a country that has local and state government. The Benefits of Federalism. This process involves filing a lawsuit to block the implementation of what the community feels is a potentially harmful requirement. It needs proper review so that the country can move forward as a nation. Federalism is a system of government in which power is divided between a central authority and regional authorities. What is the advantage of federal state structure? One of the main advantages of federalism is that it allows for a greater degree of regional autonomy and diversity. You can learn more about how we use cookies by visiting our privacy policy page. Federalism was basically introduced to bring about peace and unity in the different regions of the country. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Organizing and providing relevant educational content, resources and information for students. V(B8eDK@sx AK hG~ u;6DV,pwP# _ O4C sR 8_yC ! 9S ) ?roh _ O4C sR & Pf?? AK kyC?& Pf;_Hu j_ G$: 5/ 3. It is a form of government that has been adopted by many countries around the world, and it has a number of advantages that make it an attractive option for countries seeking to balance the need for national unity with the desire for regional autonomy and diversity. This is where the regional government steps in. In the eight federal countries that use a party list, women constitute 21.4 to 48.2% of the central parliament, while the global average is 24.5% (Foster, 2020). Under this type, there exist a balkanization of formerly unitary state near disintegration and its diversities which progress to a state. Don't want to keep filling in name and email whenever you want to comment? It can also be used as a way to pass ridiculous laws as a way to make a political statement, discourage tourism, or some other specific result. It allows different localities to adapt their policies to the needs and wishes of local populations. New York: Harper & Row, 1984. Elected officials are closer to what a citizen is than a state official under this structure, which means people can visit a local office to express their opinions without a fear of judgment. In a unitary constitution which opposes federal principles, everything belongs to the central government; the federating unit does not exist, let alone agitating for resource control. This regional arrangement gave rise to ethnic sentiment and political struggle for the center among the three major ethnic groups in Nigeria. 7. Retrieved from Instead of designing a government that should unite the different elements in Nigeria, the colonialists fully adopted federal stem of government in 1954 and created greater regional autonomy. Discuss the advantages of federalism Explain the disadvantages of federalism The federal design of our Constitution has had a profound effect on U.S. politics. So majority if not all of them were in favor of a federalist system of governance. This structure makes it possible for any law to be challenged, and that can slow down the process of change over time. 7. This content downloaded from 202.43.93 on Sat, 07 Sep 2019 03:19:32 UTC . Even the masses in the rural areas of the country are allowed to participate in politics by electing their representatives into office. Federalism in Nigeria refers to the devolution of self-governance by the West African nation of Nigeria to its federated states, who share sovereignty with the Federal Government . Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC, is a Law Student and a Certified Mediator/Conciliator in Nigeria. we are proud to nigeria our inherited country,god bless nigeria. Because communities can set their own laws (within reason) under a federalist structure, it becomes possible for some population groups to place the wants of the majority over the needs of the entire community. It has severally been emphasized by both the Northern and Western politicians that God did not create Nigeria but the British. Thats not to say that all actions are a disadvantage. +rohyC ! 9S ) ?roh _ O4C sR & Pf?? AK kyC?& Pf;_Hu j_ G$: 5/ Because there are multiple layers of government working cooperatively with one another in a federalist system, it can be challenging at times for specific communities to know where they can receive assistance. It came about following the necessity for administrative convenience and managerial expenses. What is federalism? >> Also see: Differences between Cross-offers and counter-offers, five reasons for the adoption of federalism in nigeria. This particular corroborated federalism in Nigeria. Do you know the reasons for federalism in Nigeria? Knowing what you can or cannot do can be a confusing process, especially when there are conflicting statements offered by the different parties. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. What are the five advantages of federalism? 5. Federalism provides a structure that diffuses governmental power. Possess power would probably give them the voice to air out their grievances. Politics in America, eighth edition/alternate edition. Federalism therefore involves the linkage of individuals, groups and policies in lasting but limited union in such a way as to provide for the energetic pursuit of common goals while maintaining the respective integrities of all parties. Also, there was a demand for more local regions by all these ethnic interest groups which was what led to the creation of new states. In this article, i will comprehensively discuss the reasons for federalism in Nigeria. Federalism as a system of government which is meant to help to advance good governance and development of a multi-ethnic and big country like Nigeria. There is no way to obtain runaway power in this structure unless voters approve of that process first. . This advantage is one of the reasons why aid for Puerto Rico during Hurricane Maria took longer to receive than states in the continental 48. Federalism can create oppositional competition. All variables measure of fiscal federalism had a positive relationship with per capita income excluding revenue allocated to the LGA's, that of mortality rate had a negative relationship with the variables . Senior Advocate of Nigeria, Dele Adeshina, does an in-depth analysis of Federalism in Nigeria, examining and comparing aspects of past Nigerian Constitutions from 1951 up to 1999, pointing out the . These cookies track visitors across websites and collect information to provide customized ads. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. What are the negative effects of federalism? This is intended to improve supply of power. or this it really helped me, Your email address will not be published. But before moving to the crux of this article, we will be looking briefly at the meaning and history of federalism in Nigeria. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB sir Arthur Richards strengthened this proposal in 1945 and regionalism was introduced by his administration in 1946. By and large, it is the nature of the relationship of the federal and state governments that determines whether a state is federal or unitary. Too many elected representatives with overlapping roles may also lead to corruption. Federalism also causes disunity due to diversity in language, culture, religion and economy. The fact that Nigeria is regarded as Africa's only "federal" state commands the interest not only of political scientists but also of policymakers and all those Not only is Nigerias population compared to those of other countries, huge; but it is also growing daily. America also wanted to possess implied powers which were considered necessary and appropriate for the nation to undertake delegated duties and powers. /Length 14727 The Benefits of Federalism Among the merits of federalism are that it promotes policy innovation and political participation and accommodates diversity of opinion. This means that the citizens always have political responsibility to both governments who also secure their rights in the country. Thus, federalism seemed to be the only option left for Nigeria because it allows for popular participation in government. But, unfortunately, this has largely remained a dream due to the moral and political distortions inherent in our leadership. States also engage in economic competition which causes economic warfare amongst them. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Nigeria is quite a big country with an area of 923,768 km2. 4. given Americans wider ranges of choice among the different political and economic . However, where there is a conflict of authority between the federal government and regional government, the federal authority supersedes. States shall make agreement on how to deal with common problems that they face. The desire to have war powers was also one of the reasons why national government power was increased since 1788. The Babangida administration followed the same step and created 21 states and more local governments. Since gaining independence, the countries Nigeria looked up to using this system of government, and the zeal of the founding fathers to replicate such development at home, made them adopt federalism. Download. A recent example in the United States of this advantage is the requirement to drug test working adults who receive welfare benefits. Unfortunately, since the formation of Nigeria and adoption of this system of governance in the country has not seen much effect of federalism. But in Nigeria, The federal government controls about 80 percent of the resources in the country, leaving the state and local government at its mercy. Many people avoid following laws such as paying of sales taxes to state due to federalism. Abacha regime, added more states making Nigeria a federation of 36 states and Federal capital Territory at Abuja. The confrontation between a predominantly Muslim North and a predomi-nantly Christian South, a confrontation accentuated by the political advantages derived from the North's preponderant size and population. The nation also wanted to have the power to address issues such as great depressions that it was facing due to failures in economic, political and social issues. Moreover, it is important to note that most of the ethnic groups in Nigeria had strong political inter-group relationship before colonial rule. Rich states offer more opportunities and benefits to its citizens than poor states can. Read Also:Importance of Journalism in Nigeria. The top 1% of income earners own a majority of the wealth increases experienced since 2009. The federal system can promote inequalities among citizens since natural resources and opportunities differ from region to region. Federalism increases the level of participation by individuals. Both scenarios pose a threat to the countries integrity. This process is usually a healthy way to help keep households safe no matter where they are in the country. Advantages: The federal system disperses political power so that no single individual or group has excessive power. 2. Federalism was further adopted because the developed countries from which Nigeria borrowed democracy practice federalism. This type of government is also known as a "federation" or a "federal state" in common parlance (eg., United States of America). In a federal system, power is shared by the national and state governments. An action of one government is always opposed by other government to enforce civil rights in Southern states. The central government can sometimes overlook these differences and adopt policies which cater to the majority. Thus, the gap between rich and poor states widens. Rights of the minorities are protected too. The federal system disperses political power so that no single individual or group has excessive power. There must exist supremacy of the constitution, which implies that laws passed by the authority in the federal arrangement, if contrary to the constitution shall be declared to be ultra votes. In light of this, a constitution is said to be federal when its operates two levels of government, that is the federal and state, and each of this level exercise its different powers without interference by the other level. This has been the November 23, 2019. "Federalism System, Its Advantages and Disadvantages." For the United States, there are local, country, and state governing authorities which all have a unique set of laws and regulations for people to follow. Hawaii made it against the law to place a coin in your ear. As of 2012, the population was about 166.2 million but this has increased to 200.96 million in 2019. The national government also possess concurrent powers which enable them to exercises along with the state government. Many Nigerian ethnic groups began to agitate for their own states. Some of these powers include: power to declare war, coin money, raise navy and armies and govern the Indian tribes (Elazar, 138). This structure made slavery and segregation a continuing issue in the United States until the 1960s. THE BENEFITS OF FEDERALISM. Problems facing the legal profession in Nigeria, History of the legal profession in Nigeria, Problems of Local Government in Nigeria And Solutions, 5 important Characteristic of customary law, Sources of Nigerian Law: everything you need to know. Although there is always a level of national pride, local patriotism is usually the first level of loyalty that an individual will experience. Below are the reasons why Nigeria adopted a federal system of government: The major reason for the adoption of federal system of government in Nigeria is borne out of the historical experience that brought all the ethical groups together under one Nigeria. This was many times more the population of most African countries then. Also see: Reasons why lawyers wear wigs to court, Origin and nature of federalism in Nigeria. This allows the central or federal government to share governmental powers between the central or federal government and the components regions, state, etc. The priorities of the majority receive more attention with Federalism. The Evolution of Nigerian Federalism Nigeria is, one of the most ethnically diverse countries in the world with well over 250 ethno-linguistic groups, some of which are bigger than many independent states of contemporary Africa (Ojo, 2009). Even when there is a significant majority of one party in the government (as the GOP encountered in 2016), it can still be difficult to create monumental changes that impact everyone. This goal has not been realized, as most of these states are incapable of standing for themselves financially. Your privacy is extremely important to us. The smaller branches of the local governments are right in the middle of the local society. Just clear tips and lifehacks for every day, Advantages of Federal System of Government. +roiF9_? AK ku nh4P9\ }}31Ik "V mk@G~ ., IvyPanda. 2. 3 What are advantages and disadvantages of Constitution? It was under the 1954 constitution that federal system of government was fully adopted. Each state will receive 22% to 28% funds annually to spend in development. Opinion. We may share your site usage data with our social media, advertising, and analytics partners for these reasons. Federalism can be inefficient. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. The desire to have authority to taxation and the general welfare of the citizens of America also made them increase national government powers. This article is licensed under a CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 license. What characteristics allow plants to survive in the desert? What were the reasons for the adoption of federalism in Nigeria? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In fact, Nigeria can be seen as a prime example of the "resource curse", a phenomenon where natural resource wealth leads to poor economic growth and development and an increased likelihood for civil conflict. Unfortunately, since the formation of Nigeria and adoption of this system of governance in the country has not seen much effect of federalism. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Local governments receive the right to begin solving some of their own problems. BREAKING: Finally, Fayose former Ekiti state governor resigns from PDP, Jordan Nyesom: Wikes Son Was Shot Dead in US? The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". There are some states which pursue policies which frustrate national policy because they cause them to sacrifice some of their interests to local interests such as segregation. "What do we want from federalism?" asked the late Martin Diamond in a famous essay written thirty years ago. 2. This was one of the major reasons for the creation of the newer and smaller states after the independence. Differences between 1960 and 1963 constitution of Nigeria. On the subject of policy innovation, Supreme Court Justice November 23, 2019. We utilize security vendors that protect and Description. Sharing of power between the center and the states can also be disadvantageous. The governmental powers are shared between the federal government and the thirty-six state governments. The structure of this government can create inefficiencies in the system because the national government might not like the way the local officials choose to oversee their communities. Hence, earnings and wealth are unevenly distributed. /BitsPerComponent 8 What Are The Advantages Of Federalism? Nigeria as a result was divided into three provinces. 6. Nigeria's independence was gotten and founded on the basis of a federalist system of Government. In a Unitary system, the minority states cannot govern the entire region which is controlled by majority. Insecurity and the desire for union are the main reasons for the shift from unitary system of government to federal system of government in 1954. In my view, federalism is a good system for Nigeria. However, it is also fact that since independence Nigeria has promulgated several constitutions and that if Nigeria wanted an alternative system of government, she could have opted for it. It allows for popular participation in politics at every level of government. The regional government had power over matters that are listed under the residual list. By Federalism, we mean a system whereby constitutional powers are shared or divided between the central (Federal) government and the component states that formed the federation for the purpose of exercising these powers to develop their domain. Many of them are similar, but there are also several which are not. Copyright 2023 - IvyPanda is operated by, Continuing to use IvyPanda you agree to our, Federalism System, Its Advantages and Disadvantages, Anti-Anti Immigration: Principles to Make Migration Work, Australian Education System from 1788 to 1948, The Peopling Process of Australia Since 1788 With Influence of Racism, Methods of Dealing with Problems of Federalism, National and State Powers in American Federalism, Reasons for increase in the Powers of the Nation since 1788, Federalism and Government Styles in the United States, Federal versus State Regulation of Insurance Industry in United States. For example, traffic congestion along the Lekki-Ajah Expressway in Lagos state is a problem that can be best solved by the local government, keeping local factors in mind, rather than by somebody living in Kaduna. Division of work between the central and the regional governments leads to optimum utilization of resources. Federalism encourages a system of cooperation. Among the merits of federalism are that it promotes policy innovation and political participation and accommodates diversity of opinion. During the late 1960s and 1970s, demand for the recognition and protection of specific individual rights extended the era of cooperative federalism, as the national government addressed issues such as fair housing, education, voting rights, mental health, job safety, environmental quality, and the rights of disabled persons. The state also has the power to pass laws to protect the safety, health and the economic welfare of the citizens. 6. Federalism is very important in Nigeria because of the size of our population. At the same time, the accommodation of very diverse groups whose differences are fundamental rather than transient by giving them territorial power bases of their own has enhanced the ability of federal systems to function as vehicles of political integration while preserving democratic government. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The British in their quest for economic wealth and geo-political edges over other Europeans in Africa made Nigeria the largest British colony in Africa. Another cogent reason for federalism in Nigeria is the fear of marginalization. As at the time of independence, the population of Nigeria was estimated at 45.21 million. The government of Murtala Mohammed created additional 7 states in 1976 which made Nigeria to become a federation of 19 states. There are three major tribes in Nigeria namely Hausa, Igbo, and Yoruba. Examples of countries that practice federalism with a rigid constitution are; Nigeria, US etc. 2 Which of the following could be considered of the advantages of federalism and decentralization? Whatever the case may be, its success lies in the overall benefit and growth of the economy. Which of the following could be considered of the advantages of federalism and decentralization? Because this structure of government looks at cooperation and sharing as its primary structure, there is an opportunity to try a different set of policies to see how they will work. It is a unitary system of governance where by power is concentrated in a single national government. This process also requires a lawsuit, which clogs up the judicial system with even more matters to discuss. It should be noted that the Federal Military Government had earlier by fiat taken proceeds from offshore prospecting and drilling activities directly under federal eminent domain. Federalism can create uncertainty. Dispersing of government power between the state and the nation offers greater protection against emergence of tyrannical government. We will write a custom Assessment on Federalism System, Its Advantages and Disadvantages specifically for you for only $11.00 $9.35/page. Federalism in Nigeria can be traced to Sir Frederick Lord Lugard, when the Northern and Southern protectorates were amalgamated in 1914. The federal system better tackles regional and local problems and needs. With the creation of Katsina and Akwa Ibom in 1987, the country became a federation of 21 States. A federal system allows citizens to compare political systems and 'vote with their feet' by moving to a state they find more congenial. It is difficult to enforce law on criminals because of federalism. The Hausa Fulani and the Minorities feared the domination of political powers by the Igbos and Yorubas. Federalism is a type of political arrangement in which political power is shared between the federal or central government and the federating units which may be called regions, states, provinces, etc. Again, in 1967 twelve states were created to appease the interest of those clamoring for states and weaken the geo-political holds of Biafra. It is always recommended to visit an institution's official website for more information. 1. Before the arrival of Since 1954 successively Nigerian constitution had adopted the federal system of government without much emphasis on the unity or disunity it has accorded to Nigeria. Federalism provides room for innovation and experimentation. What is the role of a reference librarian? Federalism can be defined as a system of government in which political powers of the state are shared between the central government and other component units. This was due to several reasons such as: Dye, Thomas. Over the course of the nation's history it is clear that there are many advantages to federalism. For example, pollution from a province which is promoting industrialization in a big way can affect another region which depends solely on agriculture and cause crop damage. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Resource control: History of federal system of government in nigeria These include: 1. In 1939 sir Bernard Bourdillion made a serious constitutional proposal which concluded having regional councils with a central council in Lagos. Your email address will not be published which are not no way to obtain runaway power in this for... The national and state government were considered necessary and appropriate for the website to properly. Government, the federal system of government excessive power the law to challenged! 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